Native Exiles

Abortion: The Church's Response

Alderwood Community Church Season 1 Episode 8

Is abortion really wrong? What does the answer to that question mean for the church?
There may have been a time where the answer to those questions was assumed within the church, but Pastors Wyatt and Steve recognize that this cannot be the case any longer. In this episode, the pastors walk through the Biblical argument for why the church holds a pro-life stance on abortion, and also how the church should respond.

One of the tangible ways you can participate in this conversation around abortion and protecting the lives of the vulnerable is to partner with the Pregnancy Resource Center. You can find more information here:
If you or someone you know is in need of help and can benefit from the services provided by the Pregnancy Resource Center, you can find more information here:

Pastors Wyatt and Steve covered a lot of information in this episode. Here are some scripture references mentioned in this episode:
Genesis 1:27
Genesis 9:5-6
Jeremiah 1:4-5
Psalm 139:3
Genesis 25:23
Luke 1:39-45
Proverbs 38

Native Exiles, a podcast from Alderwood Community Church, where we talk about following Jesus in the tension of being in the world but not of it. We want to help you think through how to walk with Jesus in a world that is seemingly walking the opposite direction. We want to equip you to engage the world without disengaging from Jesus.

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